Sunday, January 10, 2016


I know Christmas was two weeks ago now but I'm having christmas withdrawals, so please don't mind the photo! Anyway half way through this series here on Lottie's Thoughts and I can not wrap my head around how fast this series is going! It started out as something to remind me about all the good things that have happened week to week or even the small things that just made me smile and that I am thankful for. I feel perhaps I lost this sense for a bit, but half way through and I am reminded of the reasons I started this -

1. I got the house to myself on monday - I started to pick up the pieces of my blog that had been put to the way side over the christmas holidays. I lost my motivation for a while there, however having space to myself on monday I found a bit of motivation to kick start this blog again, hopefully it will continue for a long time to come.

2. Back to work on tuesday - ok I was the same as everybody else,  not wanting to get out of bed, but the day is going to happen whether I want it too or not. It was nice to see people at work again, having catch ups I mean I haven't see the since last year!!

3. I managed to do some finishing touches to a blog post for next week - I'm actually excited to have it go live, I feel quite proud of it and I've realised thats how I should feel when posting each and every post, otherwise why am I posting it?

4. Moving on with life and leaving uni, finding a jobs or just trying to get on with life, keeping in touch with friends can be very difficult. Time can slip away so quickly and things tend to distract us, so thank goodness for Skype! It's not the same as grabbing a drink or going out for food but the hours defiantly fly by when your catching up on Skype.

5. Although the weather has been so dull and grey, everybody seems to be in a good mood. The Sale madness has died down and people are relaxed shopping. You might find some amazing deals in the sales but its not worth being rude to sales staff.

6. I havent seen one of my best friends since 2014 I believe, so we have planned to take a trip to Glasgow in February and catch up! Since finishing uni she's moved to another city and got a fantastic job and I'm back up in Scotland so we don't get to go for a coffee catch up! However we got the hotel booked this week so I'm so excited that it finally feels like we are going to have a good long catch up which is well and truly over due!

7. The commute to work on friday morning had a few surprises. Although it was lightly spitting at home, during the night it had snowed and there was a good inch of snow on the fields. I haven't seen snow in Scotland since moving up here so it was nice to see some final!

8. Saturday morning, house to my self, a lighthearted film and all the time in the world to work on my blog. Thats what saturday mornings are for.

9. This week has generally been quite relaxed, so it's been a really calm week and after christmas and everything it's been nice to slow down the pace.

10. The best way to end the week, especially when the weather is like it is, is to have a Sunday Roast, so that what we are going to do.

I hope you are having a lovely week, and may the next one be even better!
Charlie xo

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