Saturday, March 28, 2015

March Life Round Up


I can not believe that March is almost over, mothers day, extreme work sessions, trying to get to the gym three times a week, applying for graduation and then final going home for Easter, its been a busy month.

March has been the month that kicked us up the bum on the work load front. Rallying the group together to get back up to speed with a project was difficult, but hey nothing is more motivating than having a deadline pulled forward.

If theres one tip I could give anybody its to plan and write everything down into a clear and precise calendar. That way you set deadlines for yourself, you can see what's going on what day and theres a lot more motivation within the group! (and for yourself!)

At the start of the month I wanted to set myself a little goal, go to the gym minimum three times a week.
Four weeks, Three days a week, thats 12 gym days. Really thats not much! THIS GIRL CAN! And I have! (God do I feel better for it!) To be honest I'm not one for exercise, unless its with friends and we are having a laugh do it. The gym was something that always scared me. However as soon as you realise that everybody is there to get themselves better at something and don't really care what you are doing at the gym, going on your own is not as scary as I once thought! (If you are really nervous about going to the gym on your own, go with friends a couple of times and work out when its the quietest, that was you can build up your confidence with the machines and go at good times!)

Term 2 is over and oh my gosh I can not believe it! I'm thankful but a bit scared, I'm not going to lie!
The term was a long one but flew by, I can not believe I applied for graduation, it seems scary that my university life is almost over! April is on the door step and I can not believe how fast the year has gone so far, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the rest of the year has for us!

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