Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome 2014

A New Year, A New Me.
That's what a lot of us probably said last night, but probably only some of us remember that...

So as the saying goes, a new me is on the cards. 
2013 was, an interesting year, ups and downs just like any other, but I can admit that I am not sad to see it finish. 

I'm not normally one for New Years Resolutions, mostly because I think if you don't like something about yourself then why wait until the new year? Another reason is because I'm very forgetful. No two ways about it, I forget everything, and 2013 was the year I realised that a year planner was my friend!!! We had them at school and I think I took advantage of it, not really using it for it's proper use. But now, well I don't really go anywhere without it, unless I loose the plot completely and leave the house without it... kind of defeating the objective isn't it...


As I have a memory like a sieve I thought of a way to keep me in check and to remind myself, daily about what I want to achieve and how to go about it. I've gone an changed my laptop background to just something I whipped up on photoshop.

This is for me, specifically the things I need to remind myself to do. The things on here are in particular for my university work, a lot of the work we do involve a lot of work and progresses and documenting it. 

Just to elaborate a few...

Work Better/ Find inspiration first - Although I take a very arty subject I really do struggle to find inspiration, this then means I get behind on my work. If I just research into things first, find the inspiration I think this will make it a lot easier for myself. 

  Blog like a diary - I've never been good at remembering to write things down, or document things. I mean when I was younger I started a few diaries, but it only lasted about 4 days. Life would get busier, I'd have really poor time management and as per usually I'd forget... I need to work on my memory, I know.

Give up Fear - Now I know how this much look, and yes it does sound silly. I recently realise how much the two words 'What' and 'If' actually control my life and the things I do and quite a lot of the time, the things I don't do. 

I don't normally make them and I struggle to keep them. However I feel that sharing them with you and keeping them in my sights, because come on, not a day goes by with out my going on my laptop to go on  facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr and all that other good stuff, then I might stand a better chance of remembering and maybe even achieving some of my New Year Resolutions. 

What are your goals for 2014? 

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