Monday, December 9, 2013

Time for a break

Time for a break from uni that is! Not blogging, think I've had too much of that!

It's that time of year when schools finish, university students catch the break that they've been looking forward to and that time of year that moods improve and purses and wallets empty pretty fast.

It's Christmas Time of course!! I got home on Saturday, and to be perfectly honest all I've done is slept. Slept a lot. 

For the last four/five weeks I have been on placemen. I was working for a Christmas Carol at the Lakeside Arts Theatre in Nottingham. I really enjoyed the placement and to be perfectly honest after working solidly on it for four/five weeks and now having finished, and gone home, I am on a bit of a low. 

This last week was the tech week, meaning long hours and quick work needing to be done between breaks! As busy as the first few weeks were, I don't feel like they were as tiring as the last week, something drained my energy, that's for sure! Regardless, with the energy I used for the last week I feel that it was probably the best week of my time spent there. Seeing things come together is one of the things I love to witness and find most satisfying, and like magic everything everybody had been working towards, came together! 

Yes, there was a few technical hitches and problems, but soon sorted with a bit of elbow grease from everybody! Yes, there was a lot of things to do in such a short amount of time. And, yes, things it was so satisfying to see things take shape and form!

The show it's self I'll tell you about in another blog, I couldn't possibly say it all in this post, it wouldn't be able to save the entire thing! So for now, I will leave it at that, I thought it might be of use to give you a quick update on where the hell I've been for the last few weeks. Keep an eye out for the Christmas Carol post!! 


1 comment :

  1. I'm curious about your course! What made you choose this? Why theatre? Are there any shows in particular you'd love to work on? What shows have you seen? And what are your plans for the future?
